
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sealing the Rock Tub Surround

After almost 6 years of living in the Shack, and 3 years of having had the product to do the job in the house... I FINALLY sealed the rock around the bathtub!  Yay for me!  It looks lovely and feels good to have it done.
I can't take credit for the actual rock work.  It was already in place, and is one of the many 'different' things we loved about the Shack when we bought it.  The tub is one thing we have all's huge!  Great for long, relaxing soaks.  But, the rocks had never been properly sealed and looked dull and kinda dusty.  It was one of those things you want to get done, plan to do, but keep putting off. My opportunity arose this week.  The rest of the Shack dwellers are away doing various holiday type things with family and it's just me and the critters at the Shack for the week.  I'm enjoying the time alone and have a list of things I plan to accomplish.
This was #1 on the list!
Here's the product I picked up ages ago....
It went on very easily.  It was kinda like painting with water, only milky in colour.  I had to work quickly so it didn't all just run down the wall, and then used the brush to dab at the drips.  I did 2 coats, and still have tons left for any future projects. Clean up was a breeze.  Just wash it all with water!
You can see here how glossy it is.  This is the ledge at the front of the tub where the product was able to sit and not run off, so it got a bit more coverage than the rest.  I wanted the rock to look wet, and it sorta does.

One of the cool things about this rock is the fossils in it!  I think we've counted 7 in all.
 Now I need to finish the project up with a 'neat' application of silicone sealant around the edge of the tub.  The previous owners did apply a thick, gloppy, clear layer, which was rather disgusting. It was a chore to get off, but it's gone and now I can apply the almond coloured stuff I got.
 I have never been able to figure out the people who built the Shack.  They put a lot of thought and effort into certain  'artsy' aspects of the building.  Like the antique bottle bottoms used like bricks in the wall behind the woodstove upsatirs...

...or the beautiful railing made out of a tree trunk .
(This is upside down and on the wrong side of the stairway by the way...Temporarily here while the other wall is 'under construction'.)

I just can't understand having these wonderful, original ideas, using them, but not finishing the job 'right'.  So much of the work done on the Shack was messy or poorly done.  It's our biggest challenge-righting wrongs.
It has made this journey so much more difficult than we had first anticipated.  There are still tons of things we'd like to change in the Shack, and the to-do list never ends.  But money is always a factor, as well as skill and time.  Oh well...back to my list!

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