
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Deer vs. Dog

This morning the Shack got off to a different kinda start.  I let the 2 dogs, Freddie and Zoey, out for their morning wander at 7am.  Just after that, Freddie started to bark, which is not unusual, but it was followed by the sound of dogs scrambling back up the steps! I looked out the window, and WHOA!!!  Three deer were right outside the front door, ready to take on the dogs!  Of course, I grabbed my camera while informing Trev and Zac of the situation.  Here is what followed....
After the 3 humans came on the scene, the deer retreated up the hill behind the Shack, but when Fred decided to bark at them, this one came right back down with a purpose!

Reinforcements arrived shortly after.

Game on!

No fear of us or the dogs!  She stood there for a few minutes, just to make sure Freddie got the message.

Our work is done here...back to breakfast.

Can deer give the 'evil eye'?

This one can!

On their way.
So, while this was an amazing experience, it has made us aware that Freddie will need to be more closely monitored in his excursions around the Shack property.  I really do not need to have my little guy deer stomped.


  1. Dan and I both found this hilarious when we read it on your facebook! Too funny, and so very Fred!

  2. Always good to have a camera handy Sue, good photo's. Those Mule deer look pretty brave.


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