
Monday, August 26, 2013

In The Red!

I have been painting up a storm here at the Shack!  And all in my favourite colour! Red!!
First up were the Adirondack chairs I've had for a few years and never painted, but have enjoyed immensely.  As well as the top of my 'deck table'.

Then, I did the window trims outside on the Shack.  They had been the same wood as the rest of the house, but I felt they needed to pop a bit more, so....

 So now the deck is all spiffied up!

Next, I headed over to the guest cabin and painted the 'shutters' and door...

Then back inside the Shack to tackle the basement stairs.  This is a project still in the works...

You can see in this next picture that the 'riser' still needs to be done.  It will be covered with bead board like the picture after this one.

Eventually, the bead board will be installed on all the risers and then I can get creative with what to put on them.  There are some pretty cool ideas to be found on the internet.  Here are a few I kinda fancy!

Full stairs

And my personal favourite...

Now, I'm off to find other things to paint In The Red!!


  1. Wow. Those are great ideas for stairs. Since I found you on #ArchiveDay, I'm assuming your renovations are complete! BTW, I put the title of your post in when I shared it. That tends to get better results on Twitter. ;-)

    1. Hi Paula...oh gosh I wish the renos were done! My hubby has had all kinds of health issues in the last 2 years and there has been very little done since this post. I'm hoping this summer we can get some stuff done. Until then, we are living in our RV close to our kids. At least when the work that needs to be done isn't in my face every day it is a bit easier to wait patiently for progress. Thanks for commenting and sharing my post!-Sue


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