
Monday, October 27, 2014

Fall on the Hill

I think my favourite season has got to be fall.  I enjoy the changing colours of the foliage, the nip in the air, the frosty mornings... From up here on our hillside, I can watch the change of season creep over the valley and the adjacent hillside.  The bright yellow of the willows, glowing against the greens of the pines.  The sounds of honking flocks of geese heading south as they pass in 'V' formation over head.

The road down the hill.

Today the dogs and I headed out for a brisk walk down the hill to the mailboxes and then back up again. I was amazed to find a few confused wildflowers just beginning to bloom. There are a few plants left in my garden as well, blooming away like it's spring. I haven't the heart to cut them down yet, so they've been left to add some colour while they can.  All too soon they will be covered with snow and buried until next May.

These used to be large pale yellow daisies.

A mushroom growing in the roadside gravel.

Back up the driveway.

The Little Shack


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