Sunday, July 24, 2011

The End...

Looks like we made it!  We are now done.  The planting season here is over, and we lived through it unscathed!  Tomorrow we head for the company shop to give the kitchen trailer a good cleaning, all ready for next year.  We cooked our last meal last night...not the one originally planned, but a camp favorite none the less.  We had planned for the last meal to be the ultimate camp favorite, pizza, followed by make-it-yourself ice cream sundaes....but we ended up having to do an extra day in camp with out extra food ordered, so we did our grande finale dinner the 2nd to last night and had Tuna Pasta with homemade apple pie and ice cream for the last night. We did save the balloons Zac thought we should have for the pizza party for the very last  night though.  He and Alley blew up lots of balloons which we scattered on the kitchen floor to celebrate the last day!  After dinner the camp owner, Rick, arrived to thank the crew, foremen and kitchen staff for a great season as well as to award the top male and female rookie planters and top male and female veteran planters of the season.  We were very pleased and touched by the gratitude shown to us by everyone.  It was a great experience!
The season did not end without it's problems though!  The 2nd to last day found us with generators acting up, and water pumps crashing.  We ended up with only one generator and water pump functioning properly and had to haul the heavy equipment back and forth between the kitchen and showers.  A pain at dinner time when planters were needing showers and we were needing dishwashing water!  But, we overcame the difficulties and managed!
We hugged and waved goodbye to our planters this morning after packing up the kitchen trailer and our own home on wheels and headed back to Smithers and are once again camped on Lance and Nicole's lawn.  We'll be heading back to the little shack in a few more days and then back to home life, critters, cleaning and cooking for 4.  But, we have a wedding in the very near future to get ready for!  My #2 daughter and camp baker, Jordan, will be marrying Dan, tree planting foreman and soon to be teacher, on August 27th!  What am I going to wear????