
Friday, January 13, 2012

Shining My Sink!!!

I'm sure a lot of you will have heard of the FlyLady and her website.  Her 'real' name is Marla Cilley
and she has helped so many people trapped in their own CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome). I joined FlyLady years ago, but after our move to the Little Shack, 4 years ago, I have been a back slider and am now very much in need of her guidance and support.
Tonight, even with totes of Christmas decorations piled around the house waiting to be put up in the attic, I decided enough was enough, and I needed to stop procrastinating and get back on board the FlyLady boat!  So, I shined my sink!


Love it!
Tomorrow morning I'll be getting dressed to shoes and following the FlyLady's 11 Commandments!
I highly recommend checking out her website and's free!  If you are like me and need some help in the decluttering/organization/getting the housework done department....go visit FlyLady!  I just can't say enough good things about her program!

1 comment:

  1. Sue,
    Thank you for dropping by to visit with first visit with you...

    Betty @ Country Charm


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