
Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Rufus and Tucker enjoying the sun.
 The past few days have been cold everywhere!  My in laws in Dease Lake, BC are experiencing -54C with the wind chill factor!  When you try to drive your car in temperatures like that the tires stay frozen in the shape they were when you parked them!  So lots of bump, bump, bumps!  Plus, you need to plug your car in so it will start. Warming it up and then only driving a short distance is hard on them.  Plus, there's always pipes that can freeze up!  Not so much fun if you aren't prepared.
Here at the Little Shack we've only been down to -20C so far this year.  the forecast is for -22C tomorrow though.  We've had plenty of new snow to shovel and try to drive through.  But when the sun came out for awhile today I couldn't resist going out to take a few was so pretty!
The yard.

Osprey Lake valley.
The horses got extra hay and big servings of beet pulp today, while the chickens were confined to their coop...too cold on their feet!  Unfortunately, I had to fill the horses water trough today, which involves dragging out 50 feet of hose which gets very stiff in the cold and is not fun to wind back up and then drag back inside!  Stay warm!

1 comment:

  1. BBBRRRRrrrrr.... but the pictures are absolutely lovely! I feel bad sitting here with a sweater on with it being 61*F outside this morning. We had a lovely refreshing rain shower move through last night that helped warm the air a bit. I'm so glad I'm off today. Stay warm!


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