
Friday, March 6, 2015

Super Simple Chicken Enchiladas

Some of you may know that my chosen career, for which I went to school to learn and trained for, was cooking. Not cheffing....I began my chef's apprenticeship and quickly realized it was not the kind of cooking I wanted to do. I have worked as a cook at several times in my life.  I have always preferred to cook in large quantities in camp situations.  Maybe that's why I ended up with 5 kids! And probably why I still find myself cooking too much food now that it is just hubby and kid #5 at home!
In all my years of cooking, both for work and family, I had never, ever made enchiladas. I had eaten them a few times, but never got around to making them. So when I spotted a recipe for Easy Chicken Enchiladas on Pinterest and actually had some cooked chicken on hand to use in them, I decided to give it a whirl in my tiny RV oven.
My hubby had picked up a couple of already cooked chicken breast. (We have since started hoarding these when they go on for 50% off as the due date gets close, and freezing them.) I took the breasts and put them into my slow cooker/crock pot.  I sprinkled on some packaged taco seasoning and some watering then let them cook for a couple of hours. (For anyone else cooking in an RV, I plug my crock pot in outside under the RV awning and let it cook out there.  This helps to keep the moisture outside and not accumulating on the windows of the RV.)
After a couple of hours I checked the chicken and used two forks to start pulling it apart.

Next, I spread the enchilada sauce over the bottom of the pan very lightly. I used a canned sauce the first time I made these, and it was really good, but pricey. The next time I tried a packaged dry sauce mix you only have to add water to to make up. It was much spicier, darker in colour, and way cheaper.

Next came the fun part! Lay out your 10 inch tortillas on a flat surface. Down the centre arrange some of the cooked chicken, sprinkle on some cheese, and then some salsa.

Place the rolled enchilada in the pan on top of the enchilada sauce, seam down.  Carry on with filling and rolling more enchiladas until your pan has a layer of rolled enchiladas covering the bottom.

Now, pour enchilada sauce over the rolled enchiladas. The do not need to be completely covered with sauce. Then sprinkle grated cheese over top of the sauce.

Time to put these puppies into the oven! 350 degrees F. for 20 minutes, until the cheese is melted and bubbly.

We like ours served with brown rice and refried beans, as well as salsa!

I don't really have a 'recipe' for these. It was all just kind of thrown together. I would suggest adding more taco seasoning if you like spicy, less if you don't. Add as much salsa and cheese as you like, depending on your taste. You can also make these using other meats like ground of any kind, pork, beef, turkey...just fry it up and then add the taco seasoning. 
It has become a family favourite and gets made at least once a week! What's your family's most asked for meal?

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