
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Measuring Up!- (a free kitchen conversion printable)

For many years, I have had a printed off conversion chart stuck with tape to the inside of my kitchen cabinet. Not very pretty, but very handy.  This chart lists how many cups in a pint, how many pints in a quart....and this list goes on.
Now, for any other Canadians reading this, we are supposed to be thinking in metric now.  But, it's been many years since Canada did the switch, and although I do think in kilometres and metres...I still cook with cups and tablespoons.  I still buy my fruit and veggies thinking pounds, even though the price is listed in both '100 grams' and pounds.  So, we are bilingual when it comes to how we measure things.

Click the picture to print!

Years ago, when I was into cross-stitching, I made a nice little framed conversion chart sampler. It was handy and cute all at the same time.  I got to thinking about my 'not so pretty' chart hiding in my cupboard and thought, "Hey, I should make a new one".  Even if I don't hang it out for everyone to see, when I open my cupboard I will see the 'pretty'.  So, today, I am sharing with you a 'free to print out' conversion chart!  You can print it out on cardstock or plain printer paper and hang it wherever you please! I put mine into a clear plastic sleeve to keep it clean and hung it back where my old chart used to be.

Click here to print!

  I hope you will be able to use this in your kitchen and will share it so others can use it too!


  1. It is the little things! I like everything a little more if it is pretty. Have a good day.

  2. Hi April! I agree. Everything seems a little nicer if it is pretty. Even those drudge chores can be more pleasant if our tools are nice to look at.-Sue

  3. This is great! I'm always looking up conversions in the cookbook, it would be much handier to have it hanging inside a cabinet!

    1. Hi Kelly! I'm so happy you will find this as handy as I do!-Sue

  4. Love it!! I actually have one of these on my door already and use it often. Might upgrade to this one, though, since it looks a little better! :)

  5. Welcome to the Shack, Jamie! I know my cupboard is so much prettier when I open it up now! -Sue

  6. This is something I need. For some reason my husband and I just Google when we have a conversion question, this would be so much easier!

    1. Hi Emily! Google is our go-to for most things too. But, when I'm in the middle of baking, this printed version is quicker, and easier on my computer when my hands are sticky!-Sue

  7. Very handy. Thank-you for linking up to bloggers brags pinterest party. I have pinned this to our board!

    1. Howdy Candice! Thanks for the Pin!!-Sue

  8. Great idea. I always just use google. Thank-you for linking up to blogger brags pinterest party. I have pinned this to our board.

  9. Love the idea Sue! My typical method is to yell "hey honey am I suppose to be using tablespoons or teaspoons?" and then wait for him to figure it out! This looks easier!

  10. Thank you for submitting to Motivation Monday!

  11. I agree. Everything seems a little nicer if it is pretty.


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