
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Back at the Shack

We (Trev, Freddie and I) are back at the Shack for a few days.  Trev has appointments in Kelowna to go to tomorrow and I wanted to gather a few more odds and ends for spending Christmas on the Island in the trailer.

This will be the 2nd Christmas since moving to the Shack that we have spent away from it. I will definitely miss getting out our Christmas decorations again this year. Where do you put a tree in a travel trailer? We usually have a very tall tree as our ceiling is vaulted and we have so many ornaments that it takes a tall tree to hold them all! I'm not planning on dragging our tree decorations to the lsland, but did want to grab the stockings and a few little things to make the trailer feel Christmassy.  Not too many, as space is limited and it gets crowded pretty quickly.  I know we will be sifting through the things we packed into it as time goes on, getting rid of the things we really aren't using and that are just taking up precious storage space. It's a process.

It is nice to be back 'home' for a few days though and see that everything is safe and sound.  Strange to not have the cats here, and Freddie is wondering where Zoey is (she and Zac are staying at my mom's).  We arrived home to about 5-6 inches if fresh snow.  We drove our little red Yaris (cheap on fuel) which has Island winter tires (all-seasons) on it. As a result, we were only able to take a run at the driveway and made it about 1/3 of the way up.  Not being able to make it up our driveway at times during the winter is something we are used to though and we just walked the rest of the way. No luggage to tote as we are all set up here to come back without having to bring anything with us.  We quickly got the wood stove and the wood cookstove fired up to warm things up, but it took quite awhile. I didn't take my coat off until I was crawling into bed! Brr!

It was lovely to wake up this morning to the fresh white snow covered hills and trees though. I went out and filled up the bird feeders so our little feathered and furry friends can at least get some grub out of us while we are here. Mrs. Squirrel has already been peeking through the windows at me on her way to the feeder.
I'm not sure at this point when we will next be back to the Shack, but I am enjoying it while are here. I'm hoping when spring comes we will be ale to make a trip back, but that all depends on what is happening at that point. I've learned that we can make our plans, but you just never know what is coming down the road at you, so it's a good idea to remain flexible and go with the flow!


  1. Just beautiful, what a lovely view and area and snow, wow it is just amazing, thanks for sharing this at Good Morning Mondays. We don't get snow where we live but I have always thought it would be great. Blessings

    1. Hi Terri! Thanks for stopping by! The day after I took these photos we got a huge dump of snow which lead to a real adventure for my husband and I. I'll be writing a post about it later today. I hope you'll come back and visit again! Take care!

  2. Hi Sue!
    Great to stop by today and view your beautiful photos. I so miss my squirrels and other critters.
    So very true that you never know what life is going to give ( or throw) you. I'm really trying to be flexible and open minded :)
    If I don't get a chance to visit soon, Happy Holidays!

  3. Hi Jane! Thanks for coming for a visit! I'm missing my birds and squirrels too. I am enjoying being so close to the beach though and am loving going for walks every day on the shore with my dogs. Take care!-Sue


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