
Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

It was a dark and foggy...morning.


A perfect Halloween effect!  While I was snapping these photos a coyote was yipping down the hill somewhere which added to the spookiness!  

We here at the Little Shack will be heading into town this evening to take Zac trick or treating. It'll be his first 'haul' from home turf in a few years. The last few we have been up on the trapline and we have taken him in to Watson Lake to make the rounds. This usually means bundling up under his costume to ward off the freezing temperatures and trudging through the snow.  They put on an amazing fireworks display and hand out free hot chocolate and hot dogs later in the evening there. It's always been a fun time. 
We don't get any spooky visitors here at the Little Shack. There aren't any other kids out here that we know of, plus we are at the end of a dead end road at the top of a hill. That would be a lot of work for any would-be trick or treaters! On the plus side...I don't have to buy any treats!
Here's wishing you all a very happy and safe Halloween and that your home is visited by only friendly spirits!

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