
Monday, April 1, 2013

Funny Freddie!

Cool Freddie, shortly after we got him. 8 weeks old.
Last June, I turned 50....yay!..NOT!  I was working at camp (my seasonal job as the cook for 60 tree planters) when this event occurred.  When Trev FBed me to ask what I wanted, I decided I wanted a puppy!  We have a very sweet lab/husky cross, Zoey, who has been with us since she was a pup, and is now 8 years old.  But, I thought a puppy would be a fun addition to our menagerie.  And, hey! When you turn 50, you should be able to ask for anything! So, I did!
As it happened, a friend/co-worker at camp had been to visit a friend of a friend whose dog had had puppies that spring, and had taken some photos and posted them on her FB page.  One of the pictures was of a little brown and white puppy who I immediately decided I needed.  We called and made arrangements to go and take a look.  That's where we met Freddie and fell in love with his cuteness and fluffiness!  He went back to camp with us that day and has been my little buddy ever since! 
Freddie has been such a wonderful addition!  We all love him to bits, even Zoey! In fact, since getting Freddie, Zoey has lost all of the weight she had been putting on due to lack of exercise and they spend hours adventuring around the property barking at moose, monsters and squirrels.  Fred took his first trip to the trapline this fall with us and loved it.  There he went from being a fluffy puppy to a FLUFFY dog!  His fur went crazy and he now has what one person called  a"rockstar hairdo".  Let me introduce you to my funny , sweet little guy!

Fred at 8 weeks.

Fred and Zoey.

4 months.

Freddie at the trapline, loving the snow!  7 months.

Easter Freddie!!
Fred turns 1 year old on April 16th and we'll be havin' a party for him complete with a Spam cake!  Hope you can come back to visit the Little Shack and see the fun later!

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