
Saturday, April 27, 2013

6 Sleeps To Go

Life around the Shack has been pretty busy lately.  The kids and I head north for our 3rd season of living in a tree planting camp where I am the cook , Alley is my helper, and Zac does dishes and other camp chores.  This year is a bit different though as Trev, my husband, is heading to our trapline at the same time to do some cabin building and trail clearing.  Usually, we leave him behind to carry on with his job and to take care of the critters.  He is in the process of retiring though, and is free to pursue his 'thing' at the trapline now.  
This has meant some changes here as far as the critters go.  We are at a point in our lives where we are away from home as much as we are home!  So, with the hassles of having neighbours having to come up every day to feed horses and chickens, we have made the difficult decision to downsize.  I made a trip last week to the Island to pick up Alley who had been there for 2 months helping her sister with the new baby and my 4 year old granddaughter, as well as to deliver Zac's Bearded Dragon, Rango, for lizard sitting with them.  We also took my 9 hens and 1 rooster to live with my 2nd oldest daughter, Jordan.  I'm missing them so much though!  It just seems wrong to be throwing scraps down the garborater!!  I miss going out to collect the eggs and visit with my ladies.  
Then, there is the boys...or my horses, Rufus and Tucker.  They are going to a retirement home where they can live out their lives grazing and enjoying longer summers and milder winters.  I am going to miss them soooo much, I know.  But, it is time.  I know I'm going to cry, but right after we deliver them to their new home, we must rush back to the Shack to finish packing and then we're off.  This will probably be for the best as I won't have time to ponder them being gone.
For the next 3 months, I'll be posting from camp.  Then it'll be home to spend my hard earned money on more renos for the Shack!!  This I am looking forward to!
Just a few more days to finish getting our old travel trailer ready to roll, get the house cleaned, along with the yard, and we're off.  I'm already exhausted and I haven't even had to get up at 4:45am to make breakfast for 60 yet!!  I do love my job, but being away from the Shack is a pain.  I miss the leaves coming out, the flowers I've nurtured all bloom and become overgrown....I come home to lots of weeds and only 1 month of summer. 
Well, no time to dilly dally!  My next upate will be from camp!  Til then!
Our summer home on the move to our next camp location. Yes, that's me at the wheel.

My kitchen on wheels at sunset.


  1. Your hubbys lucky I only get to go to my trapline once in a while, but three more years and I will be retired too, woodworking, trapping and doing anything else I want. Good luck with your Spring job.

  2. Your ktchen is in very nice place. You can see the nature from your home. You are so lucky.


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