
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring at The Little Shack!

Welcome to my world!  Spring here at the Little Shack is a puzzle.  One day, we have lovely sunshine and warmth, and I take my morning coffee out to the deck to enjoy the feel of the sun, the birds and the spectacular view.  An hour later, it can look like the middle of a blizzard on a  freezing January day!
The beautiful tulips were brought to me by my amazing mother in law, Louise.  They were just what I needed to remind me, in the midst of the snow and cold, that spring is on it's way! Really!!

After spending 3 weeks on Vancouver Island, awaiting the arrival of my now 3 week old grandson, Davy, where spring arrives at least 2 months earlier than here at the was a hard transition coming back home.  Granted, there was a huge reduction in the amount of snow left on the ground, the driveway was snow and ice free, and there was plenty of bare ground in amongst the  piles of snow.  But, spring is just in it's earliest stages here still. 

While the crocuses and snowdrops bloom on the Island, here, winter tries desperately to hang on with a tight grip.  March means days of sunshine and snow, mixed with hail and some rain.  It's the beautiful sunny days that give us hope and an assurance that spring will really and truly arrive, in it's own time.  For now, we comment on the weather, dream of green grass and throw another log into the woodstove.

It was one of those March Days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light and winter in the shade.
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

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