
Friday, March 8, 2013

It's A Boy!!

Well, obviously from my post title, my oldest daughter, Morgan, had a baby boy!  Nicholas David was born at 11:11 pm on March 3.  Morgan's husband, Ryan, and I were there to give her support and encouragement, but she did all the work!
For anyone who has ever given birth, you know what an amazing experience it is. It can be the most terrifying thing you ever have to face, but also the most rewarding. Being able to be with your own child as she brings her child into the world is right up there with amazing experiences. After having delivered 5 of my own, without the aid of any drugs whatsoever, I have full memory of each stage of labour and delivery. As Morgan went through her own delivery process, I kept having flashbacks to various thoughts and feelings I had had as I went through my deliveries.  The shakes, the contractions, the determination and the final push. I am so glad that I was able to be with Morgan for Davy's birth as well as when Taylor, her 1st, was born. It was an honour and a real blessing to be able to see my grandchildren come into the world, and to be able to share the experience with my daughter and son in law. Thank you, Morgan and Ryan. 
Now, without further ado...I introduce my sweet grandson...
Nicholas David....Davy! Less than a day old!
I am one proud Nana Sue!


  1. Oh he's just beautiful!!!
    Congratulations to all of you!
    Welcome Nicholas - to this wild and wonderful world!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS to you and your entire family! What a precious blessing from God!! :)


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