
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Egg Tree

After my MIL forwarded us an email about this amazing man in East Germany who decorates an apple tree in his yard every Easter with not hundreds, but thousands of Easter eggs, I had to find out more and share it here.  The man's name is Volker Kraft and he has been decorating this same tree since 1965! It was just a little tree then and he started with 18 plastic eggs.  It has since grown and with it the number of eggs.  He now decorates the entire yard with help from friends and family.  This year there are 10,000 hand blown and decorated eggs hanging in his yard!!  Amazing!


  1. Wow! Oh the patience that man must have!!!

  2. Hi Sue!
    Thanks for following my blog. I'm now following yours, too. :)

    Oh, and Mr. Kraft's tree is amazing!

  3. Thank you for stopping by and following my blog. I am following you back in Linky too :)
    Thanks for sharing this story. I have never seen anything like this. It really is amazing!
    Annie @ Peaches and Bees

  4. Wow, that is magical!

  5. This is the BEST egg tree I have ever seen! I used to make an egg tree in our yard when I was little. This one puts mine to shame.


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