
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Out of it for a bit!

Well, now I know what it feels like to have a concussion!  Monday night, coming in from closing up the chickens and feeding the horses, I slipped on an icy patch on the hill and came down hard on my head.  Ended up in the hospital over night, have a concussion and some memory loss for awhile.  Kinda not recommend.  I've been in bed all week recovering and am just getting up and around.  I don't enjoy the 'bed time' but I was able to do lots of reading, which I do like!
As soon as I'm up to speed I'll fill you in on the happenings at the Little Shack!  Take care everyone!


  1. So sorry to hear about your misfortune...take care of yourself!

    1. Thanks Cindy...Now I need to find time to catch up on everyone elses blog news!

  2. Well now that explains a lot... I was wondering where you've been. So sorry to hear it was a mis-hap and not something fun. Glad you are back but still take it easy until you are 100%.

    1. Thanks Becky...I'll be over to visit you soon! Still feeling 'woozy', but at least I remember most things now!

  3. Glad you're okay!

    Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog!
    Have a nice day!

    1. Thanks for stopping in Veronica! Come visit again when I'm up and around!

  4. Oh, no, Sue!! That is pretty scary. I'll remember not to try that ;) Take care of yourself while you recover. Can't wait for your return!

    1. Thanks so much Erika! Yes, I don't recommend the whole concussion thing at all. Your body aches all over for days after as well. Not my fist choice in!

  5. Wow! thats scary, you better be careful.

  6. Oh no! That's terrible! That ice can be nasty! I hope you feel better soon! I found your blog through the February hop at World Bloggers Community, and I'm a new follower! I write a humor blog about all things motherhood, and I hope you can drop by! It's great for laughs, and sometimes even a snort or two! Hope you can drop in...after all, laughter is great medicine!

    Have a good weekend, and feel better soon!

    Smiles, Jenn @Misadventures in Motherhood

  7. Hi there
    Following you from the World Bloggers Community.
    I follow you via GFC

    Sorry to hear about your fall. Hope you are feeling better soon.


  8. That's terrible! It's scary too. When I was a little girl, I got a concussion when I flew through the windshield of my dad's truck! Feel better!

    I'm visiting from the blog hop! Am a new follower and would love it if you'd consider dropping by and following :)

  9. Sorry to hear about your concussion and hospital stay. Glad to hear you are on the mend.


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