
Friday, January 20, 2012

Swiffer WetJet Money Saver-Tutorial

I know it's not spring yet, but after the Christmas decorations come down, the house always feels so bare and bigger somehow!  It makes me want to move things around and clean all the nooks and crannies that have been neglected for too long!  So, even though my decorations are all down and packed into their totes and boxes, I'm still waiting to get them up into the attic.  It's been waaay toooo cooold to spend time up in the attic getting everything up the ladder and put away neatly.  Plus, I'm afraid the totes might crack with it being so frigid. So, until it warms up a weee bit, they are still piled in a corner of the living room and out on the deck (where the attic entrance is).
But, I still have this urge to clean and organize....just like spring cleaning fever! So, in the spirit of the whole cleaning frenzy, I'm going to show you how I am able to use my Swiffer WetJet, but not pay the outrageous price of buying new pads and cleaning fluid for it!  Here goes!
First, obviously, you need a Swiffer WetJet....I LOVE mine!  It is so handy for spot mopping, cleaning up spills and of course....washing the floor!  The problem is, everytime you use it it uses up a new cleaning pad, which, by the way, I am not a fan of.  As far as I'm concerned, the pads they make don't seem to clean all that well .  Not enough 'scrubby'. Luckily, I found that the pads from my steam cleaner fit perfectly on the Swiffer!  So, I use those instead.  But, as most of you probably won't have the same steamer as I do, or may not have one at all, here is a link to a site where you can make your own re-usable pads! Jennifer, over at Sewplicity does an awesome job at showing you how to sew your own why improve on the wheel!? Thanks Jen!
Now, as for those bottles!  If you are like me, you have tried to twist the lid off, thinking you could just re-use the bottle. Hmmm...they don't budge!  Why? you ask.  Well, Swiffer has done what they can to force us to have to buy their new bottles, instead of doing the 'green' thing and making them refillable.  They could have made a refillable bottle and sold 'refills' in big bottles, but, for some reason they chose not to. So we have, as earth friendly, frugal consumers had to be creative and get around this. Ta da!! Here is the answer!
First, here are thing things you need to round up....
The bottle I used here is the small one that comes with the WetJet.  I did purchase a larger size to cut down on having to refill quite so often.
Now, using the pliers, grab a hold of the lid and hold the bottle tight with your other twist!!!  The lid will come off with a bit of effort.
So, now you have the lid off! Yay!!!!
Next, look inside the lid and you'll see all these little 'fins' that are the reason you weren't able to unscrew it with your bare hand.  The little rascals! Take those nail clippers and snip off each and every one of those things!
Now, try putting the lid back on and then take it off again!  Easy, huh!!
Next you're ready to add whatever kind of floor cleaner you like.  I use a concentrated one from Armstrong called Once and Done.

Here's a recipe for a homemade floor cleaner that I like as well....

Frugal (Cheap!) Homemade Household Cleanser
1/8 cup Dawn dish detergent
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 cup water 
1 cup vinegar
This will clean more than just your floor!
Happy cleaning!!


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