
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Chocolate Cake in a Mug Recipe

**I must apologize for the missing photos. Google ate them! Until I can track them down, just take my word for it...the recipe is so easy, you don't need photos!

As is totally normal for kids...they were looking for something to eat. I’m trying not to do any baking these days...too much Christmas indulgence!  There isn't any cakes or cookies to be found in our house right now, just carrots, snap peas, fruit..."Nothing good!"  Poor kids.  I remembered a recipe I had gotten in an email from my mom in law quite some time ago. We had tried it back then, and it was pretty good, so I pulled it out and Zac and I made Chocolate Cake in a Mug!

First, here are the things you’ll need-

cocoa powder
an egg
chocolate chips
...and a microwave, a fork and a glass and a coffee mug. I find cooking spray is handy too. 

Start by giving the inside of the coffee mug a spray with the cooking spray. This will make it easier to clean in the end and help your cake to slip out of the mug.

Measure 4 Tablespoons of flour (make sure to level it off!), 4 Tablespoons of sugar and 2 Tablespoons of cocoa into your mug. (I used the biggest one we had so it didn’t overflow and make a mess in my microwave.) 

Crack your egg into a glass and whip it up with a fork. You only need 2 Tablespoons of egg. You can also leave the egg out completely for a fudgier version.

Measure the 2 Tablespoons of egg into your mug and mix it up with the dry ingredients. It will be pretty pastey. 

 Then add 3 Tablespoons of oil and 3 Tablespoons of milk and mix it up really good with a fork.

Now add a splash of vanilla. If you’d rather, you can substitute mint flavouring for chocolate mint cake. 

Stir in 3 Tablespoons of chocolate chips. If you are out of chocolate chips, try a chopped candy bar, M&Ms, Smarties...yum!

You are now ready to pop it into the microwave! Set your oven depending on your wattage...3 minutes for 1000W ovens and 4 minutes for a 700W. Your cake may look like it’s going to overflow the mug, depending on the size of your mug. It should settle once the heat is off though. If you do't know the wattage of your microwave, go with 3 minutes first and then test it to see if it it needs another minute.

Once your cake comes out, it will be pretty hot, so try to hold off eating it for a few minutes. A warning-once you taste this and realize how good it is you will be in danger of making and eating more cake than before.

I've created a printable recipe for you here. Feel free to print out a copy and keep it handy for when the snack monster visits your kitchen. 


    1. What a terrific idea! I'm printing it to use this upcoming week.

      Thanks for visiting me at A SEason for All Thins. I'm your newest follower! ~ Ellen

      1. Thanks for stopping by Ellen! I'm enjoying your blog!

    2. How fun! (and yummy, of course!)

      Stopping over from iBlog4me Tasty Tuesday. I would love it if you stopped by my next Meatless Monday blog hop and shared this or another meat-free recipe.

      Have a great day!

      1. Hi Jessica...thanks for stopping in! I will try to remember and head on over next Monday to join the blog hop! Thanks for the invite!

    3. What a wonderful idea! I can have my 9 year old do it!! I will have to do this! Oh, and I love the fact that you are using a Starbucks cup! I have about 50 million of them!! Lovely blog you have!

    4. I always love to make my very own mug cake. I will definitely try this recipe out.


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