
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Be Back Soon!

Just in case anyone stops by the Shack, I thought I'd post a quickie note!  We had a lovely Christmas and wonderful New Year with our 2 oldest daughters and their husbands, plus my mom and granddaughter, Taylor.  We are still enjoying visiting with family, which does not leave much time for blogging!  So, until next week, I will be away, having fun with my granddaughter, daughter and son in law.  It's been just wonderful having them here and I'm cherishing every moment!  See you next week!

Alley and her new friend, Charles!

Alley, Zac and Charles!


  1. LOVE IT! The snowman is Charles! SO fun.

  2. Hi Becky! Yes, Charles is a little 'cold'...Alley had a lot of fun building him, except for when his head toppled off and then Zac knocked his arm off! Our snow is very dry and powdery usually, so when it warmed up and made for good building snow, the kids took advantage of it into the dark evening. We are enjoying an extended visit with our oldest daughter, Morgan, her husband, Ryan and my little granddaughter Taylor. This is Taylor's first visit here since she was diagnosed with leukemia in August of '09. It's so much fun to see her having fun in the snow!


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