
Thursday, December 29, 2011


With New Years almost here, our family is preparing for our 2nd round of Christmas as our older children arrive and join us here at the little shack.  It is such a good feeling to have them under one roof!  We are missing Matt, who has to work and can't be with us, but he will be visiting some time later in January.
As I look forward to the New Year, I'm thinking about what it will bring.  The future is such a mystery.  You just never know what it holds.  I once heard "How do you make God laugh?  Tell Him your plans!"  This is so true!  We can plan all we want, down to the tiniest detail, but in reality, we really have very little control over what happens!  That could be extremely frustrating if you are a 'control freak' type person.  Or, it could be very liberating if you are willing to trust in our Maker to 'control'.  Of course, we have to plan is all about our plans!  Being able to 'go with the flow' when things don't go our way can be very beneficial.   Less stressful too!  So, this year, I will make my plans, but be prepared to have them changed either by me, others or my heavenly Father, who knows way better than I what is best for me!  
My New Years Resolution?   I have lots of plans...mostly for the little shack...but if they don't pan out, I will be trying my darndest to 'go with the flow' and not get all tied up with the changes.  
All the best to everyone for the New Year! 

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your family..... and may peace continue to be in your life.


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