
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Time for a break...

Slowly, but surely, the decorating is getting done.  If it wasn't for the kids, I'd be all over going away for the holidays and leaving all the decorations, baking and panic to 'get it right' behind.  Oh well...time for some chai tea from my pretty Christmas tea cups.  Maybe that'll revive me enough to get this done and then we can get that tree in the house to dry overnight and decorate tomorrow.  I seem to have lost my sense of ho ho ho.  Anyone seen it?


  1. The getting away from it all.... I find that the Christmas lights are needed over the long winter. And I put up a big red bow on the cabin. Will do some baking but I have to be careful it is Bryan.. not me eating all the goodies. I have an old shed whitetail antler that I have lights on. Might get that out. We enjoy keeping it all simple these days. But with children around it is another thing. We are building their memories.

  2. We've thought about spending Christmas out in the trapline cabin...but I think it'll have to wait until the kids are all out of the house and not expecting us to be at home for them to come to over the holidays...which may be never! I love having them here, and once the house has been decorated and all the odds and ends have been put away...I love Christmas at home! I used to bake up a storm, but then realized, we didn't really need all the extra calories, so I try to put off the baking until we a actually need it for company. Now that Alley (13) is old enough (and will be doing the job of baking for the tree planters this summer), she is very keen to whip up a few batches of cookies! Yay!! Have a wonderful, peaceful Christmas Vikki and Bryan! I'm envious of your being up north where I find my heart always is.


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